Women of the Daf & More…20.10.19

From Under My Hat – a weekly round up of news bits focused on women and orthodoxy.

On January 1, 2020, tens of thousands of Jewish men will dance in a joyous celebration of the completion of Talmud Bavli. But many of them couldn’t have done it without the equal devotion of their wives. All credit to Mishpacha magazine for its sensitive article highlighting the integral role of women in supporting the men in their families to study Daf Yomi

Meanwhile, in this seasonal animated video, a young man is joyously singing Sukkot songs and there’s not a woman in sight, including nary a wife nor mother to the children sitting around the yomtov table. It seems she died on the comic strip cutting floor.

Modest fashionistas are strutting their stuff. Cardi B won the recent Paris Fashion Week in a head-to-toe matching bodysuit, without a tefach of skin exposed. The New York Times surveyed the recent modest scene and some key bloggers.

Anti-Slavery Day in the UK was on the 18th of October – it’s a chance raise awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery, and encourage government, local authorities, companies, charities and individuals to do what they can to address the problem. In the UK, it was created by the Anti-Slavery Day Act, a Private Members Bill introduced by Anthony Steen CBE, now Chair of the Human Trafficking Foundation. What’s that got to do with Jewish women? You might be interested to read my latest blog about Bertha Pappenheim who confronted this issue in the early 1900s. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/rescue-the-balabusta-anti-slavery-day-2019/