Author, blogger, Jew-y bits…in one place

My alter-ego Modesty Blase prevents me from divulging too much, however the basics are that I was born in Australia and am the daughter of Slovakian Holocaust survivors. I studied at Melbourne University and worked as a social worker and academic for several years. After living in Jerusalem and New York, an epistolary romance brought me to London in 1993 where I established a freelance writing career while my children were young.  Since 2009, I have been the CEO of the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe, supporting Jewish heritage and culture across Europe.

I’ve written two books – Death Duties and Under My Hat – both are available directly from me if you send a note to, or via Fishburn Books, Amazon or abebooks. This website bringing together information about those books, various blogs and articles I’ve written and more recent radio appearances.

photo credit: Debbi Cooper